Hi all, newbie member here (peter) with a little problem I hope someone can help with.
My 2004 997 runs fab but the red warning message keeps coming on only after about 15 minutes driving - "battery/generator fault".
So, have had both the battery (less than a year old) and alternator checked. Battery is 100% fine, alternator is at 13.9 I'm told should be 14.4? When parked up for a few days still starts with no problem and other than an annoying beep and the warning light coming on it drives great. Seems to make no difference if I turn fan/lights/radio off - thought worth a try...
Only comes on after I've been driving for a while - 10-15 mins, so maybe only when engine up to normal temperature.
Does anyone have any ideas what may be causing this?
Most obliged in advance - I look forward to meeting up with you when the madness has receded.